pet gecko

gecko care

Geckos are known throughout the world as they are scaly lizards that can become pets. They are prized for their bold colors and patterns, and some species have quite a distinctive bright color. Each animal has unique colors and characteristics which makes it very attractive from the point of view of pets. He pet gecko It is quite demanded by all those who want to have a reptile at home.

Therefore, in this article we are going to tell you all the characteristics, habitat, feeding, reproduction and care of the pet gecko.

Key features

leopard pet gecko

These are small scaly lizards that measure approximately between 18 and 30 centimeters. This length includes the tail. When they are adults they arrive weigh between 50 and 100 grams, so they are fairly light animals and easy to handle. They are prized for their bold colors and patterns. Some of the species have colors with brownish, orange, pink, orange, yellowish, even bluish areas.

These reptiles are characterized by having a flattened and robust body, as well as having a fairly long and thick tail. It is in the tail where they usually accumulate all the fat. This is something that is of great help to be able to know if the animal is well fed or not. We know that to have a pet gecko we must guarantee good food. This diet, which we will see later, should be based on foods that help you store body fat. Let's not forget that these animals are cold-blooded, so they need body fat to better adjust their temperature.

It has quite large eyes and most species do not have eyelids. They usually have a kind of membrane that protects their eyes and they tend to lick frequently to keep it clean and moist. The most curious feature of these animals is that they are the only reptiles that have vocal cords. This makes them capable of emitting certain sounds in order to communicate with each other and defend the territory or warn of possible danger.

They are reptiles with nocturnal habits, so they have quite developed eyesight. If we have them as pets they will spend most of the day sleeping. They are quite easy and slippery, so they can run away at high speed. Thanks to the fact that they have adhesive pads on each of the five fingers, their feet They can walk any vertical surface with great dexterity. These pads also help them run with great speed. A special feature that these animals have is that if they feel threatened they can detach part of their tail to flee, since it will grow back.

Where to buy a pet gecko

pet gecko

When buying one of these animals, it is necessary not to be carried away solely by appearance. It must be taken into account that he must meet certain aspects and adequate sanitary conditions so that he and we can be healthy. Therefore, it must be an animal purchased from a trusted pet store. It is not advisable to acquire the animal online without having seen it in person. We are not buying an object or an accessory, but a living being.

Geckos can be purchased at a pet store or from someone you know who has a pet that has had young. The most important thing is that it is an animal that is healthy and has the right conditions so that it can be part of your home.

The price of the geckos is usually around 50-100 euros. If you want complete equipment for your pet, we know that the price of a fully equipped terrarium can cost between 100-200 euros. You have to pay some special attention depending on the species of pet gecko that we are treating. Many of them are protected and their ownership is subject to certain special conditions.


pet lizards

Let's see what the behavior of pet geckos. They are docile animals that are not going to be aggressive. It is recommended as pets for children, since it is a calm and tame reptile. The males are quite territorial, so we should not keep more than one male gecko together. If we want to have more than one gecko we must choose to have a male and a female or two females.

There are different types of behaviors that we can come to understand. For one thing, if a gecko is scared, they try to run away or hide from it by giving high-pitched cries. It can be said that they even bark by the sound it generates. It sounds like a dog barking. The gecko's mood can be guessed by the position of its tail. On the other hand, if the gecko slowly moves its tail, it means that it is excited. If it moves very quickly it means that it has seen a female and is showing itself to be seen. On the other hand, if the tail shakes it, shaving the ground, it means that it feels attacked.

When we have a pet gecko At home, the most normal thing is that he behaves as if he were hiding. This is because their way of life is nocturnal and they stay inside their hiding places. He leaves at the end of the afternoon. The behavior of the pet gecko should only worry you if it has not come out of hiding for more than 24 hours. It is most recommended that you have 3 types of hiding.

pet gecko feeding

Certain care and the first thing is their food. It is important to have an idea of ​​how many geckos we are going to have. Terrariums are essential to be able to have these animals. As for feeding, it can be fed every other day, while baby geckos must be fed every day. They are insectivorous lizards, which means that the majority of their diet is made up of insects. In captivity they can get to eat crickets, silkworms and small cockroaches, basic food.

As a special treat you can offer a Pinkie mouse. This is a baby mouse. It is an excellent choice for breeding females. You can also offer Galleriamellonella larvae as a treat. This should not be done too often. They must be offered with caution as they can create dependency on them.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about what care the pet gecko has and what its characteristics are.

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