blue lovebird

There are different breeds of blue lovebirds

Without a doubt, lovebirds are one of the preferred birds as pets. They have really spectacular colors and vary depending on the breed. Among the most requested of the lovebirds is the blue lovebird. The great demand that exists for this variety is mainly due to the fact that It is totally different from its ancestors. not to mention how beautiful they are thanks to that intense blue color of exotic birds.

So that you know a little more about the blue lovebird, or blue lovebird, we are going to explain well what this animal is and we will talk about the mutation responsible for its creation and about the different breeds of blue lovebirds.

What is the blue lovebird?

The blue lovebird exists thanks to a mutation

When we talk about the blue lovebird, we are referring to a variety of lovebirds that can be bought in many aviaries and hatcheries. Of course, the price is usually somewhat higher than that of the ancestral green lovebird for a simple reason: The color. The beautiful blue that these birds wear has significant value as it is different from the original color.

The most remarkable thing about this bird is that its blue color is really blue. It is not a turquoise, light blue, violet, etc. variety. It is not blue. However, This intense blue does not occur in all races of lovebirds. Later we will talk about them, but first we will comment a little on the mutation by which this type of lovebird has been achieved.


There is a key factor that causes the mutation of the blue lovebird: The total absence of yellow, red and orange pigments, caused by psittacine. Due to the lack of these pigments, instead of having a green color like the ancestral lovebird, the blue lovebird has the color that gives it its name: Blue. In addition, the areas that are normally yellow or orange in the ancestor are white in the mutated variety. It is very curious what can be achieved with advances in genetics.

Blue Lovebirds: Breeds

It should be noted that the mutation mentioned above It only occurs in those subspecies that have the eye ring. These subspecies are the following:

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Next we will talk about the different breeds of blue lovebirds and how to distinguish them.

blue lovebird personata

In the first place we have the race of the blue lovebird personata. This bird presents its characteristic color in all its plumage, except for the head, which remains totally black. Instead, both the neck and abdomen have a whitish color. Another feature that differentiates this variety from the ancestral is the color of its beak. While the ancestor has it red, the blue lovebird personata has an ivory-colored beak.

nigrigenis blue color

The blue nigrigenis is smaller than the personata class blue lovebird
Source: Wikimedia Author: Aviario Piel Roja

It is especially difficult to correctly differentiate a blue personata from a blue nigrigenis, especially if the bird in question is in motion. However, it is not an impossible task. There are two distinct traits that are key to differentiating both breeds.

First we must look at the size. Generally, the nigrigenis is slightly smaller than the personata. It measures around thirteen centimeters, the personata exceeds it by two measuring about six centimeters. As the difference in size is very small, this option is only useful if we can take both specimens and compare them directly or measure them.

The other difference that can be more useful to differentiate both breeds is the size of the white area of ​​the abdomen. While that of the blue lovebird personata is very wide, that of the nigrigenis is much smaller. In addition, in the personata it even extends behind his neck, making it considerably easier to distinguish him.

blue fischer lovebird

There is also a blue breed of the fischer lovebird. Apart from being blue, it has a very curious feature, because the back of its head is black. Experts speculate that it is because the first blue mutation that arose in the fischer was through a cross with an inseparable personata.

How do we differentiate this variety from the ancestral? Well, very simple: the blue fischer does not have any yellow or orange tones, but instead changes them to white. In addition, the beak of the blue variety is not reddish, but ivory color.

blue lovebird lilianae

Finally we are left with the inseparable blue lilianae. Compared to the previous one, this one is much smaller. It should also be noted that the blue of the lilianae is much purer, while the blue fischer has a blue color mixed with a greenish hue. In addition, the black of the head of the blue lovebird lilianae is much less noticeable and intense.

Paying attention to these small details we will be able to easily differentiate the different types of blue lovebirds that exist today. And what breed do you like the most? I love all of them!

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