Gray cat breeds

There are several breeds of gray cats

Today there are many breeds of cats that exist. They all have their own physical and behavioral characteristics. However, some coincide in the color of the fur. An example to highlight are the breeds of gray cats, which we are going to talk about in this article.

If you love the greyish color that some cats have but you don't know what breed it is or you want to see the different options you have to choose from, I recommend that you keep reading. In this article we are going to talk about the different breeds of gray cats that exist, dividing them into blue-gray cats, blue-eyed gray cats, and gray tabby cats.

Breeds of bluish gray cats

Blue-gray cat breeds are highly desired

Among all the breeds of gray cats that exist, the most outstanding are those whose coat also has bluish tones. Although all cats are beautiful, they attract a lot of attention and are usually quite expensive if they have a pedigree.


We begin by talking about the Chartreux. It is a breed of gray cat native to France. There, the Carthusian monks actively raised these cats. Later they arrived in the United Kingdom and Europe. Despite being on the verge of extinction during World War II, the Chartreux survived and managed to recover.

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Physically, this breed is very robust and has very good musculature. His hair is thick and dense, since the climatic conditions were very harsh in his place of origin. The color of the fur can be blue-grey or vice versa, while the tone of its eyes can be from a deep yellow to a copper or green color. Character is a very playful, friendly and sociable breed, ideal for any home.


Despite being a little-known breed, we will talk about the Nebelung since it is a breed of bluish-gray cats. It is a cross between a Russian blue male and a longhair female. or long hair, from which resulted a robust, muscular and strong cat whose hair is long and bluish-gray in color. Another distinctive feature of the Nebelung is its large head whose eyes are usually yellow or green in color.

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The Nebelung is a feline breed very sociable and intelligent therefore it is easy to train it. Due to his long hair, he must be brushed frequently to keep his coat clean and healthy. Despite having a calm and elegant appearance, these cats are very curious and mischievous. Thus, his willingness to play with both humans and other cats is constant.

Russian blue

The Russian Blue is one of the most famous gray cat breeds.

We are now going to talk about one of the most famous breeds of gray cats: The Russian blue, or russian blue. It is believed that the origin of these cats is found in the Archangel Islands, north of Russia, and that they later dispersed throughout the rest of Europe until they reached the United States. As the weather conditions in Russia are extreme, the Russian Blue has a thick coat to protect it from the cold. This breed can weigh up to five kilos and their life expectancy is between 10 and 15 years.

Interestingly, All Russian Blue cats are born with blue eyes, which turn green as they grow older. However, the most characteristic feature of this breed is its fur. This one has a gray color, but is usually described as bluish. As for the character of the Russian blue, it is usually shy with strangers but very affectionate with acquaintances. Also, they are very playful cats who love to chase and bring things.

Breeds of gray cats with blue eyes

Although the fur of these cats is impressive, their eyes are even more so, not to mention the combination of both. Blue-eyed gray cat breeds are undeniably a beauty.

Turkish Angora

The Turkish Angora rarely gets sick

As its name indicates, the Turkish Angora comes from Türkiye. It is a very healthy cat, as it rarely gets sick. However, it is best to receive the best possible care. Although they are most famous for their white fur, there are also Angoras whose color is gray.

This feline breed has a soft, silky and fine coat that is more abundant on the tail and neck. It should also be noted that its hind legs are higher than the previous ones. Regarding the ears, these are long and are always alert. The color of the eyes can be blue, green or yellow.

Gray persian cat

Persian cats have a very quiet and affectionate character.

One of the most famous breeds is the Persian cat. Since there are cats of all sizes and colors belonging to this breed, it is highly desired throughout the world. It is a descendant of the Angora cat. However, it is more robust and muscular and It stands out for its rounded head. The Persian cat's eyes are large and their colors are intense. They can be blue, green or yellow. Thus, there are many copies of this breed of gray color with blue eyes.

Persian cats have a very silent and affectionate character. As they love to have company, they tend to constantly seek the attention of other companions and human caresses.

Breeds of gray tabby cats

There are also breeds of gray cats with a tabby coat. Let's see what races it is.

american shorthair

Gray cat breeds are very pretty

Another much-loved breed for the home is the American shorthair. This cat is very sociable, friendly and intelligent, making it an ideal pet to have at home. Physically it is a short-haired feline that can weigh up to six kilos. His head is rounded and wide and he has a small nose. The coat of the American shorthair can be almost any color, but the most popular is silver with dark stripes.

egyptian mau cat

Finally we will talk a little about the Egyptian mau cat. The word "mau" is Egyptian and means "cat". This breed has huge green eyes and its coat is dark striped, a trait inherited from the African wild cat. However, there are also specimens with brown or blue spots on their gray color. Despite having a very territorial and jealous character, at the same time he is friendly and affectionate with the family. Another characteristic to highlight of the Egyptian mau is that it is very independent and intelligent.

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