long haired cat breeds

big cat breeds

Cats are one of the most considered pets for sharing a home. But as you know, there are many types of cats and, sometimes, long-haired cat breeds, due to their beauty and appearance, end up making us fall in love.

but do you know all the breeds of long-haired cats that you can have as pets? And the care that these cats need? Today we talk about them so that you know them a little more.

Care of long-haired cat breeds

Imagine that you have long hair. Quite long. Surely, when you get out of bed, you have it tangled, frizzy and even with the odd misplaced strand. And of course, you start to brush it. But you don't go with doing it one day; you will have to spend some time styling it every day. As well as washing it, drying it, cutting it and keeping it healthy to prevent your physical appearance from being well cared for.

Well, something like this is what happens with long-haired cat breeds: They need you to dedicate time to help them so that their coat is always healthy, shiny, brushed and clean. And for that, the care you will need are the following:

  • Daily brushing. It is important to do it every day. With it you will eliminate the dead hair that it can drop, but you will also help that hair end up swallowing it (and causing hairballs that put your cat's health at risk), nor will they be on the floor of your home ( making it look dirty.
  • regular baths. Here it will depend on your cat, if he tolerates a bath well or not. If not, you can always use dry shampoos or dry baths to wash it off. Of course, remember that you will also have to dry it and comb it so that there are no tangles.
  • Hair salon. In this case, we refer to haircuts, because your cat is going to need a haircut from time to time to eliminate the tips or so that it does not end up getting into its eyes or stepping on its hair when it walks.

[related url=»https://infoanimales.net/cats/big-cat-breeds/»]

Best-known long-haired cat breeds

Now that you know the minimum care that long-haired cat breeds will require, it is time for us to show you which are the most common as pets. Which one will you opt for?

long haired persian

Best-known long-haired cat breeds

The long-haired Persian cat is a more or less large cat, since it can easily weigh up to 8 kilos. In addition, it has a broad and large head while his body is not that big in balance with his head.

As for its fur, it is quite dense and soft, and that implies that you should brush it often to avoid getting tangled or dirty.

Maine Coon

Best-known long-haired cat breeds

The Maine Coon is considered a large breed cat, since it can reach 11 kilos in weight and measure much more than an average cat. But we bring it closer to you because it is one of the long-haired cat breeds that you can have as a pet. In fact, He is very affectionate and intelligent. and has fur that is not long all over its body. In fact, it usually has long hair in the area around its face, neck, lower body, and tail.

american curls

This breed is not as well known as the previous ones, but it has been with us since the 80s. It is a feline that is characterized by having "peculiar" ears. And it is that, instead of being like those of any cat, they always point backwards.

As for its fur, it is a long-haired cat, especially in the neck and tail area, slightly less on the back (but very little): That is why it is considered semi-long-haired.

Long-haired cat breeds: Norwegian Forest Cat

Best-known long-haired cat breeds

It is said that this feline comes from the Nordic wild cats, so its fur must be quite dense and long to protect itself from the cold. Hence, the Norwegian Forest cat keeps that long fur throughout its entire body, which gives it an imposing appearance.

Especially where it will stand out the most will be in the neck area (as if it had a mane) and in the tail.

Persian cat

If before we have told you about the long-haired Persian, now we will talk about the Persian cat, that is, the breed of cats of aristocratic bearing that you surely associate with a long-haired cat.

They also have long fur all over their bodies, although it is overall, which gives them more of a shaggy, puffy appearance. Of course, you need a professional to take good care of your hair, not daily, but periodically.

Angolan cat

Best-known long-haired cat breeds

Another of the long-haired cat breeds is the Angola, a breed that comes from Turkey and which, as a characteristic with the previous ones, shares the fact of having long hair.

Most of them are white and have one eye of each color. It is not an animal that tolerates large families (or other animals).

Long-haired cat breeds: Burmese Sacred

Best-known long-haired cat breeds

A cross between a Siamese cat and a Persian, this feline is a cat with long, silky hair. It has everything that is the coat of a person but with a more Siamese-based hue.

It is enough hairy throughout its body, except in the area of ​​the ears that seem less dense and on the legs. But the rest of the body is like cotton candy. That's why you have to take good care of its fur.

Siberian cat

Best-known long-haired cat breeds

As its name indicates, it comes from a fairly cold area, so its fur is quite abundant. The good thing is that it adapts well to the coldest winters, as well as the hottest summers.

This cat draws a lot of attention because of its thick fur. And it is that it cannot be considered to be long-haired, but rather semi-long, although you can always let it grow a little more. Of course, keep in mind that this cat will shed its hair, staying shorter and finer to face the high temperatures of summer.

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