Where should the cat sleep?

The cat can sleep on the bed

Many things can be said about the cat, and one of them is that it is a sleepy animal. During his childhood he needs to sleep between 20 and 22 hours, and when he is an adult between 16 and 18 hours. Humans sleep an average of eight, that is, much less than our beloved furry companion, so it is normal for us to wonder where should he sleep.

It is clear that in a bed, but... in which room? And with whom? Is it good that you sleep with us? This time I am going to explain all this to you.

Where does the cat prefer to sleep and where does it have to?

The cat sleeps a lot

The house cat that lives happily with its human family will enjoy sleeping near them, or even with them, on the same bed or sofa.. But also, if you have something that covers your back, like a cushion or a pillow for example, you will feel even better, much more secure. And it is that in nature, the time that animals spend sleeping is the most delicate, since it is when they are much more vulnerable to attack by predators.

Although it is most likely that your cat will never run into a lion or a tiger, the survival instinct is not something that can change just like that, it takes time (hundreds, maybe thousands of years). Thus, Your furry will look for very specific places to fall asleep.

This place will vary depending on each furry: there is someone who prefers to sleep in the chair, another in the bed, another on the sofa, or even on the floor during the summer. But in any case, you will always, or almost always, see that he has something behind him, on his back.

For this reason, it is highly recommended to let him choose where to sleep, since this way we will ensure that he is well, calm, while he rests, and we enjoy watching him.

Can my cat sleep with me?

There are many people who will tell you no, that it is dangerous; others that nothing will happen. Good, I've been sleeping with mine since… well, since day one, and nothing has happened to me so far, nothing bad. Yes, good things have happened to me and do happen, for example:

  • I fell asleep earlier.
  • I sleep more hours in a row.
  • I wake up happy every day.
  • And I also manage to strengthen the relationship I have with them.

Therefore, I recommend sleeping with your furry, because in addition to these benefits, there are others, such as spending those hours with him. You spend time with an animal that you love, who gives you lots of love for nothing, and that's just wonderful.

I would only tell you NOT to sleep with your furry if you have an allergy to their hair and/or dander and your symptoms are significant. Of course, it would not be good to sleep with him if he is sick, or if you are the one who is suffering from an illness. If some of these situations occur, it is best that you put a bed in another room, but everything will depend on the severity of your / his condition: sometimes putting it in a corner of the bedroom is enough.

How to make the cat sleep in its bed?

The cat should sleep where it wants

Not all cats that live with humans can sleep with them, for whatever reason. If yours is one, then you will be interested to know how to make him sleep in his bed. So feel free to follow this step by step:

  1. The first thing you have to do is find out where he prefers to sleep. Observe him for a few days, in this way you will quickly discover which places are most comfortable for him: these are calm, quiet places, and it is possible that away from where his family spends most of the time.
  2. When you have it clear, put his bed in one of those places that have turned out to be your cat's favorites. It is important that the bed is comfortable, "fluffy", of sufficient size for the animal to fit without problem, otherwise it will be more difficult for it to accept it.
  3. Call him and let him smell it and touch it. Help him accept the bed by offering him some cat treats, but make sure you give it to him when he's right on top of it, or at the very least, when he's touching it with a paw. This will make it easier for him to associate the treat with the bed.
  4. Stroke it if you see it calm and relaxed, and don't hesitate to speak to it in a calm and happy voice, as if you were talking to a human baby (note, it's not about humanizing it, but it is true that the cat reacts much better to the tone of high-pitched rather than low-pitched).

The normal thing is that after this the furry one lies down, but it may need a little more time. Don't worry. Leave his bed there, and repeat steps 3 and 4 again later.

Once you see that he uses it to rest daily, Every time you go to sleep, get in the habit of calling him from the place where his bed is, and offer him a treat when he has laid down.. You'll have to persevere, especially if he's slept in your bedroom before, but you'll get there eventually. In the meantime, the ideal will be to prevent him from entering your room, at least until a few weeks have passed.

But I insist: if you're healthy, and your cat is healthy, there's no reason why you can't share a bed.

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